Fireball Cinnamon Whisky
Country- United States
Brand- Fireball
Type- Flavored Whiskey
Price- $
ABV- 33% (66 Proof)
Average Whiskey Rating- 4.5
Fireball Cinnamon Whisky is a mixture of Canadian whisky, cinnamon flavoring and sweeteners that is produced by the Sazerac Company. Fireball tastes like Heaven, but burns like Hell! (Great Slogan)
Taste– Cinnamon
About Fireball Cinnamon Whisky
Fireball was developed by Seagram in the mid-1980’s as a flavored schnapps. The Sazerac Company purchased the rights to Fireball in 1989, and they still produce Fireball to this day.
Whisky Reviews:
Tobin’s Review 4.5 out of 5
Fireball Cinnamon Whisky has a light copper hue with a non-descript, very slight cinnamon aroma. The whisky tastes like red hots, cinnamon and a tad of sweetness. It’s very easy to drink and is always a party favorite.
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